Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Local horse back riding.

I recently had an opportunity to shoot for a local company. It was commissioned gig. It included shooting seven family members, seven horses, and seven horse trainers. At the local beach in shoulder length water. I had to be very cautious about not getting my slr wet and also concentrating on all of the subjects and trying to forget about how deep in the ocean I was. I have a little fear of deep ocean water.  It was defiantly an learning experience, but I also enjoyed pushing myself to the next level to capture shots. 

UPDATE: Up above is how I truly felt after photographing this family for a local company, until I realized several weeks later that I have been taken advantage of by the company. I'm not going to mention the company's name because I am not that kind of a person.  I did mention up above that I did enjoy pushing myself to the next level to capture shots... although, when you made a professorial deal I expected everyone to keep their word and be reliable. I kept my word and did exactly what I was supposed to do. Unfortunately the company did not. They took all their shots they needed from me and kept telling me week after week I would get paid, but still to this day I have not received a single dime. The CEO of the company emailed me ....after I asked if I was ever going to receive my check? He then claimed that most of his horses have been stolen and he has been swamped and forgot to do the payroll and would get right on it. (Ya okkk!) Never heard from him again. It is a shame, you would imagine a company would keep their word for good customer feedback and positive reviews.....I guess not. I know this sort of stuff happens all the time in the freelance world, I know a lot of times you do actually have to take a chance in this kind of business and hope for the best. I guess I was a little naive. I honestly thought this company came of so professorial and legit, but really it was all just a front. As a photography student trying to make a career out of my passion. I take photography very seriously. Small gigs all the way to big gigs. So of course I'm going to be some what effected by all this. All I can really say is I will never work for this company again, nor will I ever recommend anyone to this company. I have defiantly learned a lesson, it's just unfortunate I had to go through all of this.

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